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QFS Logo Transparent
Quadrant Farming Solutions specialises in supplying innovative and welfare focused solutions to Australian ruminant, equine, pig, poultry and domestic pet markets.

We work closely with several European stockfeed and supplement manufacturers that supply the highest standards of product quality and technical advice.

QFS Logo


Stalosan F
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Stalosan Logo

Stalosan F – an innovative biosecurity solution for commercial and

domestic animal housing, bedding and litter. 



X-Zelit –a revolutionary feed additive that effectively reduces the incidence of calcium deficiency whilst maintaining quality feed during the transition period.



CareFoss Dialyt



Dialyt® Express’ - an easy-to-use formula that helps to maintain electrolyte,

fluid and energy balance.




                    – Protects the feed ration against nutrient and dry matter
loss during high heat conditions.

Fresh Foss logo
Fresh Foss logo
Broilers for Stalosan Webpage.png
Peckstone logo


PECKStone - A unique, organic mineral block designed to eliminate aggression and feather pecking in commercial and cage free poultry flocks.




Piglet Saver

Piglet saver


PIGLET SAVER - A liquid supplement for runt and weak born piglets that compensates for the negative effects of low birth weights.



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